Grief Resources
Here are a few further stepping stones into the vast world of Grief...
The Smell of Rain on Dust - Martin Prechtel
The Wild Edge of Sorrow - Frances Weller
Coming Back to Life - Joanna Macy
Ritual: Power, Healing, & Community - Malidoma Some
Falling Out of Grace - Sobonfu Some
The Guest House - Jalaluddin Rumi
Pry Me Off Center - Ted Loder
Presence - Julian Allen
Therapy - Nayyirah Waheed
Your Grief for What You’ve Lost - Jalaluddin Rumi
I Wish it Could Have Been Another Way - The Emerald:
Grief, Sex, and Relationship w/ Josh Fox - Eros Rising
Seeds, Grief, and Memory w/ Rowen - Finding our Way
Grief and Finding Meaning w/ David Kessler - Unlocking Us w/ Brene Brown
One Last Thing Before I Go - Act I - This American Life
Resmaa Menakem on grief and trauma:
Other Online Resources
Grief & Praise - Martin Prechtel (part 1; con’t w/ 2 & 3)
On Grief - Frances Weller
Grief, Ritual, and Sacrifice - Malidoma Some
Songs for the Spirit - Awakening Harmony
Cm - Call Me By My True Name - Lyrics: Thich Naht Hahn
Gm - Your Grief for What You've Lost - Barbara McAfee / Lyrics: Rumi
D - I Am Ready - Josh Fox
Cm - What if I Just Stopped Struggling - Kaitie Ty Warren
Cm - Go Down Deep - Laurence Cole
Am - Open to the Notion - Ari Moshe
Dm - Return to the Womb - Leora Sarah Havacheck
Dm - Return Again - Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
Am - When Darkness Falls - Josh Fox
Am - Sister Rain - Aaron in the Wind
C - I Am Remembering You
Dm - Thank You, I Love You
G - Winds of the West - Ayla Nereo
Am - Full Moon - Samara Jade
Em - Everybody Hurts - R.E.M.
Am - Little Beckon - Ayla Nereo
Breaths - Sweet Honey in the Rock
Your Water - Bachan Kaur
Am - We are of the Earth - Samara Jade
C - Angel Heart - Nick Barber
D - Ancestor Sky People
Am - Blessed Motion - Annie Zylstra
D - I Release Control - Alexa Sunshine Rose
Em - Jewels - Barbara McAfee
Dm - Sweet Love - Taya Shere
Am/Em/G/D - Blessed We Are - Peia
Don’t Steal the Land - Holy River
Am - When I Go - Dave Carter, Tracy Grammer
Oh Grandmothers Hear Us! - Laurence Cole